Friday, May 14, 2010

One into Another

The surrealist game conducted by our group is called "One into Another", and it draws comparisons based on certain characteristics that unite two unique objects. A player would give a detailed description of an object, awaiting for the rest of the players to guess the correct word for the description, that answer would then be used as a reference for the following description and the next description should then be answered correctly.

Our game began with a christmas tree, gina and vanessa were in charge of addressing to the class the poetic representation of the tree awaiting for the class to answer. Once answered, Christopher and I walked into the class reciting the next description, which related to the christmas tree's characteristics, the correct answer which was answered by a young man sitting behind Dr. Francis was attic. Gina came up with using the description of a sword and comparing it directly to a knife, which was then answered quickly by another who admitted seeing the answer in the book before class. Running swiftly out of gaming options, I thought about using my poem relating the sun's identity, which was then answered briefly by John. Dr. Francis then stated the importance of jumping into another object from the sun's characteristics, for that was the goal of the game, and so we compared the sun's warmth to that of a contrasting object. The igloo as stated by John once again, is made out of freezing ice, nevertheless it still provides warmth to those who chose it as shelter.

This game is a great exercise for the mind. Player's drift through their mind's content to relate two different objects, their mind's content of course is the main key to excelling in this game. The mind's content provides options from which to chose, the analyzing and concluding of the matter at hand is then derived from a player's wit. The Surrealist perspective that surrounds the game, entices players to exercise their mind both creatively and objectively; for the comparisons and conclusions may be endless, but the correct and final answer that concludes the game leaves the players appreciating every detail of the two objects with more thorough understanding. This game propels students and thinkers to go beyond it, to see new ways in which to think and travel in the inner core of our imagination.

gina valdez
vanessa puga
carlos cantĂș
christopher lopez

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